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General Information | About The Dojo


The comprehensive styles we study are Shotokan, Hu Tao (Way of the Tiger), and Yee Chong Mu Gow, (Way of Yee Chong).  These styles are a mix of several different  Japanese and Chinese forms.  (See style descriptions of Shotokan, Hu Tao, and Yee Chong Mu Gow)  In the beginning of training the practitioner focuses on linear Karate techniques (Shotokan).  As the practitioner moves through the ranks and gains experience, circular Chinese forms are introduced. (Hu Tao, Yee Chong Mu Gow, Wing Chun, and other forms of Kung-Fu)   


I started Karate the winter of 82' and have never stopped.  My current rank is 6th Degree Black Belt in Shotokan and Yee Chong Mu Gow, and this rank was attained in 2007.  In these styles, 6th degree earns the title of Master.  During these years I have studied many different styles to complement my overall skill level, it is a passion of mine, and I hope it will soon be a passion for you as well. 


Each class is started with a traditional bow in ceremony and followed by a brief Christian prayer.  This prayer is to simply acknowledge God as the source of our energy, abilities, and our ultimate responsibilities.  


Periodically we will have testing for rank.  Rank is expressed by wearing different colored belts in the dojo (practice hall) and it is usefull to organize the class so that all practitioners are aware of everyone’s skill level.   



The belts are as follows:

     White  (beginners)

     Yellow (High and Low)

     Blue (High and Low)

     Green (High and Low)

     Purple (High and Low)

     Brown (High and Low)

     Red (which is High Brown and training for Black Belt test)

     Black (Degrees 1-10)